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Laws of One’s musical journey begins in the early eighties. Montreal, Canada was always considered home. However, in the ensuing years we ventured to various recording studios in Toronto and Hamilton. We would return home for other musical commitments as we had been blessed to have had the opportunity to work with various passionate and talented artists. To them we are forever grateful. The notion of revisiting Laws of One, something we had initiated and loved was a tenacious sentiment that would persist, a sentiment deaf to the ears of time, seasons or for that matter continents. Simply said, this is truly a definition of the cliché “unfinished business”. Over time, it was becoming an odyssey with an energy of its own, one that was longing for its long overdue culmination. Then One Day …a personal collection of experiences, thoughts, sentiments, and musical emotions collected over decades past. JC/Savino Laws Of One, 2023
 Then One Day Cover for our forthcoming album. Please check out the MUSIC section to listen and view some of our work.




PO BOX 661448 · Los Angeles, CA 90066 USA © 2023 . RUDE LEMON RECORDS . All Rights Reserved